Open Water Swim Clinic 2025 Presented by Midwest Triathlon Coaching

Wednesday 14th May 2025

Longview Lake Swim Beach: 11831 Raytown Rd, Kansas City, United States

Sports, Swimming, Triathlon


Open Water Swim Session and Clinic presented by Midwest Triathlon Coaching in conjunction with the Kansas City Triathlon.  Clinic will include a safe opportunity to get into the Lake prior to the first local race of the season.  In addition, we will present Ten Tips for Better Open Water Swimming with a Q&A session to follow at two separate times during the evening.

Event details and schedule

Beach Opens at 5:30p. Athletes can swim as much as they'd like from 5:45 to 7:30p.

Wetsuits and an inflatable swim buoy are highly recommended.  If you don't have either item and are interested in purchasing please contact the event organizer - Ken Welsh at  We have a discount code for XTERRA Wetsuits that we are happy to provide all Clinic participants.

Organised by

Midwest Triathlon Coaching

7236 Summit St., Kansas City

Phone: 913 706 0864

Event Images