Sunday 30th March 2025
Jaws Beach: Clifton, Nassau, Bahamas
Sprint Distance Triathlon - draft legal - NO TT bikes!
The swim will take place at Jaws Beach 750m
The bike will be 2 clockwise loops of the Albany/Clfton loop - 12 mile
The run will be 2 loops on the road - 5k total
Junior triathlon Age 13-15 (400m swim 10km bike 2.5km run)
Junior triathlon Age 11-12 (200m swim, 5km bike 1.5km run)
Puppy aquathon Age 9-10 (100m swim 1km run)
Puppy aquathon Age 8 & under (50m swim 1km run)
0615 : Adult check in and transition area opens, body marking , swim caps, chip timing handout.
0720: Adult pre-race briefing, course and rules
0720: Transition area closes
0730: Individual Race Start Men
0732: Individual Race Start Women
0740 Relay Race Start
0845: Junior tri body marking, timing chip handout + transition closes
0900 Awards ceremony - sprint
0915: Junior Triathlon Age 13-15 starts
1015: Junior Triathlon Age 11-12 starts
1040:Puppy aquathon timing chip handout and body marking closes
1100: Puppy Aquathlon 9-10 Starts
1115: Puppy Aquathlon 8 & under starts
1145 Awards ceremony
1200: Raffle Draw
Potcakeman Triathlon
Phone: 2424271047